I spent most of the day with my big sister, Nina. We went gallivanting around Midtown, East Atlanta, and Decatur from one thrift store to the next. Although she had told me this before, it was proven today that Value Village is THE place to go thrift store shopping. While it's a little bit of a trek from our house it is far cheaper than Last Chance. Also today it seemed as though Last Chance was slightly lacking in everything EXCEPT old timey ice cube trays, which were a steal at, I do believe, $.99 a piece. However I was not willing to pay $3.99 for a mug, that was a tad bit ridiculous. Neen Queen and I were able to find some real steals at Value Village however, which would include 2 canisters to hold all the flour we could ever need for our baking endeavors, or more so Nina's, a ceramic pizza stone for the mere price of $5, a set of measuring cups, and a cute breadbox for $5 as well. Overall it was a very successful trip and certainly more exciting than the trip to the gym I had planned. After we were done with our thrifting we moved onto the fabric store, which was sorely lacking in anything not cutesy. So alas, the pillows and cushion I have planned to make will have to wait just a bit longer, because I will settle for nothing less than the best! Our final trip of the day was to the DeKalb Farmers Market! Which I believe can also be described as a success, if you exclude the fact that we left the store without a jack fruit. Which if you are wondering looks like this:
In this picture the fruit may appear to be small, but make no mistake the ones at the market were at least 10 lbs a piece. Which is sadly why we could not return home with one. If only it had been a tad bit lighter. We did leave the store with , a star fruit, a pineapple, couscous, and oats - all things one needs in a kitchen. The oats are actually to make granola, and I would kindly appreciate any recipes thrown my way, as this will be my first attempt at the delicious treat which I have recently grown to love! Truthfully any recipes for anything at all would be appreciated. I've been relying on others to cook for me lately and so now I think its time I returned the favor, but one can only eat hamburger helper so many times, even if it is delicious! I recently made some pretty good turkey burgers on my newly acquired George Foreman, which I must admit I adore, as well as stuffed zucchini which ended up being rather delicious and overall pretty easy to make. My next conquest, other than the granola, will be chicken parmesan. I've tried it once before, but the results were nothing to write home about. Nina has successfully made beef jerky in the dehydrator and it is good as s-h. I am repeatedly impressed with what she can make in the kitchen.
By the time our little shopping spree was done, I had no desire to get sweaty and gross at the gym so I spent the rest of my afternoon reading. Christopher Moore is very quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Recently I read "A Dirty Job", this was my first experience with mister Moore and I pretty much fell in love, although his endings are slightly lacking. I am currently reading "You Suck: A Love Story" and am thoroughly enjoying it. I'm slightly worried about how quickly summer is going by in regards to my reading. I have a large stack of books on my bookshelf that are waiting to be read, and I'm almost certain that although I will want to read during the school year the stress of a new school and new classes will probably put things like Fahrenheit 451 on the back burner, and yes I know I probably should have read that book years ago in middle school, but my class did 1984 instead. Anyways I'm hoping that I can make somewhat of a dent in those books before I head on down to school.
Today, we also celebrated my sister's 25th birthday, although it's not until Friday, by eating out at the neighborhood Mexican restaurant, which always makes for a good time. Friday we will again celebrate but on the other side of town and at an art show hosted by BEEP BEEP Gallery at Aurora Coffee. These shows always prove to be entertaining and fun. This particular show will just double as an impromptu birthday party for Nina.
Now I am going to attempt to go to sleep and hope that prior to work tomorrow I can force myself to the gym and get a few other things done. Wish me luck!
music suggestion for the night: "Cleanse Song" - Bright Eyes
goodnight all.
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