Gizmo decided it was a nice day for a nap as well. He is my kitten, who is not so much of a kitten anymore, that unfortunately lives with my mom instead of myself. Lately however I have been making the 20 minute drive between houses much more frequently to spend time with my mama and friends home from college. So Mr. Gizmo has been getting tons of attention lately. It seems I am spending more time there than I am at my own home. Another reason I have been over there so frequently is that my gym is there. My summer plan is to get healthy and to lose a few pounds. However I must remember not to ever go on a Tuesday night again. It was ridiculously crowded tonight and there was no room for lil' ol' me. Oh well I got my time on the bike in at least, I'll just have to work extra hard tomorrow!
And now after a lovely dinner of homemade pizza, salad, and a glass of wine I am back to the relaxing atmosphere of the beginning of the day. It's time to settle down with my new favorite book, "The Sea of Monsters", which I know is a children's book and I am perfectly okay with that. Children's books and I have a new relationship, I can see it lasting for a long time!
Hoping Percy Jackson wins the fight....
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